
JobMaker Payment

How much can an eligible employee be paid?

Payment is based on STP nomination and period data that the employer has provided.

Payment will be automatically prefilled onto ATO online services or the Business Portal or registered tax agent or BAS Agent portal starting from 1 February 2021 based on the following information:

  • Age of employee when employment started ( employee DOB )

           -$200 per week for each eligible employee aged 16 to 29

           -$100 per week for each eligible employee aged 30 to 35.

  • No of days the employee has been employed ( start date and cessation date of employee )
  • Working hours ( must have been paid for an average of 20 hours or more during the period )
  • Nomination of employee to the scheme

Note: JobMaker Hiring Credit will be administered by the ATO and supported by STP.
