
Editing Rule Templates Screen

When editing the start and end dates of rule template at Employee Rule Templates screen, the Start Date Type will be displayed.

The Start Date control will be read-only and auto-populated based on the selected Start Date Type. This eliminates the need for the user to manually find out the correct date to use.

If the start date value to be used is a specific date (that is not the same as the employee's start date, employee group start date, nor alternate service start date), then the Start Date Type can be set to Specific Date to allow the Start Date control to be editable.

This option shouldn't be used often as in most cases the rule template start date will fit into one of the other start date types provided.

In the Employee Details screen or through the Add Employee to Employee Group Wizard, you can add new Employee Group to an employee. If the new Employee Group contains a Rule Template that uses the same parameter (Bucket Type), there would be conflicting Rule Templates with overlapping dates.

If the template is non-leave related, such as the Employee Pay Rate, the newly added employee rule template will be set to start from the Employee Group start date which is the Scope Relationship start date, even though one rule template is set to use the 'Employee Start Date', the setting will be overridden with Employee Group Start date due to the conflicts. Therefore, the previous employee rule template will be end dated automatically to one day before the new employee rule template. Please ensure that the end dated rule template to be unticked.
