
JobMaker Nomination

JobMaker Nominations Status (Other non allowance type code)

Editable field to nominate eligible employees. 

Drop down chevron options

None - only used to indicate employee not eligible for JobMaker.

For example an employee not eligible 1 (07/10/2020 to 06/01/2021) or period 2 (07/01/2021 to 06/04/2021)

Best practice would be to leave the New Value field as unchanged defaulted to None in the proceeding periods where the employee never become eligible.

-Bulk change on or before the 27 April 2021 and or 28 July 2021 is to leave New Value field as unchanged as no requirement to notify ATO that the employee is not eligible for JobMaker.

-If the mandatory STP Update Job sent this action reports nothing on the STP report.  

New Hire - indicates initial additional employee eligibility criteria nomination to JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme.

For example employer hires new additional employee on the 7 October 2020. The employer 'MUST' sends through:

-Bulk change on or before the 27 April 2021 to notify ATO of nomination.

-Additionally followed by STP Update Job that will report nomination of new hire ( if you nominate an additional new hire for JobMaker then this will report a corresponding JMHC-NOM as an other allowance code on the STP Employee CSV Report ).

Rehire - indicates an employee who ceased employment and subsequently rehired and meets the eligibility criteria JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme. 

For example employer rehires on the 7 April 2021 a previously nominated additional employee who ceased to be employed on the 7 February 2021. The employer 'MUST' sends through:

-Bulk change on or before the 28 October 2021 to notify ATO of re-nomination.

-Additionally followed by STP Update Job that will report re-nomination of new hire ( if you nominate an rehire for JobMaker then this will report a corresponding JMHC-RENOM as an other allowance code on the STP Employee CSV Report ).

When reporting a rehire nomination the commencement date of the rehire must not be prior to the cessation date of the original nomination. A rehire nomination cannot be reported if a cessation date has not been reported for the original nomination. 

NOTE: The design for rehires does not support multiple rehires after one rehire, should this occur an employer will need to contact the ATO directly to manage this situation.
