Jobkeeper Payment Rates


Jobkeeper Payment Rates

How much can an eligible employee be paid?

JobKeeper Period 1 is from 30 March 2020 to 27 September 2020 

The JobKeeper payment should be paid at $1,500 for each fixed JobKeeper fortnight period.

For pay frequencies standard JobKeeper payment applies;

Pay Frequency

JobKeeper Payment Amount

How DataPay Calculates

Weekly$750$1,500 / 2
Fortnight$1,500$1,500 X 1
Monthly$3,000$1,500 X 26 / 13

Special rules applies for the month of August. JobKeeper payment was set to $4,500 (as there is 3 JobKeeper fortnights in the month.

Pay Frequency

JobKeeper Payment Amount

How DataPay Calculates

Monthly$3,250 ($1,500 X 26 / 12 )Override JobKeeper payment in pay packet  
WeeklyNot evenly splitOverride JobKeeper payment and ensure second payment make up at the $1,500 total.

Subsidy extension 

The JobKeeper Payment, which was originally due to cease on 27 September 2020 has now been extended for a further six months to eligible businesses until 28 March 2021.

The extension periods are:

  • Extension 1: from 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021
  • Extension 2: from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021

Extension 1

Tier 1 - Over 20 hour if Weekly $600, Fortnight $1200 and Month $2400

Tier 2 - Under 20 hour if Weekly $375, Fortnight $750 and Month $1500

Special rules apply for the month of December JobKeeper payment (as there is 3 JobKeeper fortnights in the month) applicable for period 2 

Tier 1 who work on average more than 20 hours a weeks are paid less than $3,600 per month must be paid a “top-up” amount to bring their taxable gross to $3,600 per month 

Tier 2 who work on average less than 20 hours a weeks are paid less than $2,250 per month must be paid a “top-up” amount to bring their taxable gross to $2,250 per month 

Extension 2

Tier 1 - Over 20 hour if Weekly $500, Fortnight $1000 and Month $2000

Tier 2 - Under 20 hour if Weekly $325, Fortnight $650 and Month $1300

Tier Levels

This indicates what tier level the employee is on. This needs to be allocated prior to the commencement of JobKeeper payment in extension for eligible employees.

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