
Using Report Filters

The Report Builder Filter View can be used with any field, and multiple fields may be filtered in the same report.

To add a new filter, simply drag the desired column you wish to filter into the Filter View tab, similar to adding new columns to the Design View.

Filter options are:

Equals – Will only include results when when a condition is true. E.g. Termination Date 'equals' 11 March 2009 will show people terminated only on 11 March 2009.
Is empty – Generally used to have certain data not appearing on your report. E.g. Terminated Date 'is empty' will mean terminated employees will be excluded from your report.
Greater than – Will return results when the condition is true. This is typically used to filter out rows with numerical or date data.E.g. Termination Date 'greater than' 11 March 2009 will show those terminated after 11 March 2009, or Pay Rate 'greater than' 25 will show rows with a pay rate higher (but not equal to) 25.
Greater than or equal to – Similar to the above however it will also include results exactly on the selected date or numerical value, as well as those above.
Less than – Similar to greater than, but for results less than the specified value.
Less than or equal to – Similar to Greater than or equal to, but for results less than or equal to the specified value.
Contains – Can be filled in with whatever it is you want to include. Everything else will be excluded. E.g. Last Name 'contains' Lloyd shows only those with the surname 'Lloyd'.

The Not option can be used in conjunction with any of the above options to exclude that value from your report.

E.g. Termination Date not equal to will show all termination dates except those on the date you selected. E.g. Last Name does not contain Lloyd excludes that name from the report.

To combine more than one filter, decide whether you need to use And or Or.

E.g. Start Date is greater than or equal to 1 April AND Start Date is less than or equal to 30 April will give you all the employees who started in the month of April, however using OR will give you everyone since everyone started either after 1 April or before 30 April. 

You can also combine groups of filters to alter the processing order, for example to get Starts and Terminations, by clicking on Add Group.
