
Employee Detail Report Search Types

An Employee Details Report can be run by three Search Types; Date, Time Period and At Run Date. It is necessary to make sure to select the correct search type when running a report.

These search types are found directly above the Design View.

By Date
This will report on valid data as at the selected date. This can be useful for gathering information as it stood at that date in the past.

By Time Period
This will report on valid data (and changes) between the dates selected. This option is not typically selected for Employee Detail reports, as most information is only required as it is on a specific date. However, if you are looking for changes in information / fields then this Search Type can be useful.

At Run Date
This will report on data as at run date and is the most commonly used Search Type. This option is best suited for Employee Details report that is part of your report distribution. This will enable the date to be automatically picked as the date the reports are run via the report distribution

