
Include Past and Future Pay Packets

When running a Pay Run type report, there is the option to Include Past and Future Pay Packets. This feature is enabled by default on all new reports.

When disabled, this feature will exclude Pay Packets from the returned results when the Pay Period of the Pay Packet is outside of the Pay Period of the Pay Runs searched.

What this means in practice is that Reversal & Adjustments and Future Dated Pay Packets will be excluded if they are from periods that fall outside of the Pay Runs searched in the report.

For Example a Pay Run type report was run over a time period spanning March to August, and had this feature disabled. Within a Pay Run in May there were two Reversal & Adjustments. One was for a Pay Run in April, and the other in January. The Reversal & Adjustment from April would be included in the results while the January one would not, as the Pay Period of the January Reversal & Adjustment Pay Packets was outside the search range of the report.
