
Report Builder Entities

Entities are how different components and items are categorised within DataPay for use in Report Builder.

To see what fields are under each entity, click on the entity name and the related fields will be loaded on the Fields column:

The Entities are:

Employee – This relates to everything in the Employee Details screens. This enables reporting on things specific to the individual employee, e.g. address, start date, tax code.

Pay Group – Holds information relating to Pay Group links in the system.

Employee Group – Holds information relating to Employee Group links in the system. 

Tenure – Can be used to report on either current or historical employee tenures.

Home Costing – Used to report on employee costing. You can split costing levels on your reports for all available levels; Company, Division, Cost Centre and Department etc.

Rule Template – Company, Pay Group and Employee Group level rule templates can be found here. This shows the information found in the Employee's Rule Template screen.

Leave Request – Contains the information from the Company Leave Request screen. Note that this is not the same as using a Leave Taken pay component.

Attribute Fields – Used when an easy grouping of components is required. For instance the Group A Allowances attribute column will return values for any allowance with the Group A Allowance attribute assigned to it.

Calculated Fields / Conditional Fields / Custom Expression Fields – Any Conditional columns that have been created in the reports Design View will also show up in this list so that they can be used in the Filter View like a standard column.

Pay Components – Reports on components employees have received payments from or have assigned to them, e.g. allowances, deductions, leave taken, tax paid. If you have more than one company, you may report on multiple ones at the same time. The Pay Component entity will appear numerous times with the company number next to it. Pay Run Report Type must be selected to report on pay components. All fields within components at pay packet level can be reported on.
