Payslips Summarisation
Using timesheets import multiple lines of hours with same reference values/pay rates may resulting in a very long payslips. Set up payslips summarization can fix this issue.
Note: This fix only for PDF payslips
To set up payslip summariation:
Go to Company > Component set up > Right click a pay component (that you’d like payslip summarisation for) > Reports
2. Under Report > Select Payslip
3. Remove the current formula by clicking on Delete Section
4. Click Add Section to add new formula for payslip summarisation
5. For the hours to be added up, you’d need |sum| before and after the hours.
Formula: |sum|{Actual Hours Worked}|sum| Hours @ ${Rate Paid} - {Rate}
Once the formula has been entered, click Add.
6. The formula will show in the Formula String after added, click OK.
7. The formula will now show in the Section, click OK.
Note: If you want to see what the formula will display, you can use the ‘Test’ button.
8. Save the changes
9. Repeat the above steps for any other pay components that requires summarisation
The totals in payslips are rounded to 2 dp. Eg: 5 lines of ordinary pay 2 hrs @ $3.1234 = $6.25
In summarisation method it will be display as 10 hrs @ $ 3.1234 = $31.25 (= 5 * $6.25)
That is taking the individual line totals to 2 dp and adding them up
In method 10 * 3.1234 = $31.234 that’s will have 2 cents off.
The more lines an employee has it could potentially be more out.
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