
Sort View

In the Sort View tab, you can select the order you want your report data to show in, e.g. alphabetical order by surname.

The Sort View tab shows all your available fields for sorting in a column down the left side. Only fields which have been added into the report in the Design View tab will be available to use here. Click on the field you want your report ordered by and drag it into the drop zone. You can choose to have ascending (e.g. A-Z) or descending (e.g. Z-A) order. Right-click on the word 'Asc' or 'Desc' to change the order.

In the screenshot below, you can see 'Last Name' and 'First Name' have been put into the drop zone and both are sorted in ascending order. Report Builder prioritises your sorted fields so with the below, the report will be sorted into ascending alphabetical order using the employee surname first, and then the first name (e.g. Andrews, Baker A, Baker B, Clark...).

To change the priority, drag the #1 priority field back to the 'available fields' box, and then back in under the new #1 priority in the drop zone.
