
Create New Report User

There are three different types of User Accounts available in DataPay

  • Self Service User
  • Client Self Service User
  • Report User

This guide shows how to create a Report User, which is typically used for non-employees who simply need to receive reports. They are also used sometimes to send reports to destinations that are not monitored. For this reason, Report User accounts do not need to be activated like all of the other types do. Instead, their password is set during account creation.

To begin creating a New Report User, navigate to the Company tab > Company users, and right-click in the Company Users List to select Add Users from the sub-menu.

In the Add User window select Report user from the drop-down list.

You now need to create Report User Profiles. Fill in all profile fields including password (Receives E-File and Is PAYE Contact boxes are optional).

Multiple Report User accounts can be created at one time. When the required accounts are entered, complete the wizard to create the accounts.
