
Importing New Free Text Field Values

Each employee is set up with 9 additional text fields for storing information not captured on the Employee Details page. These can be used in whichever way suits your company the best, are located on the Employee More Details screen and are called Free Text Fields.

By default these Free Text Fields are in the format of a text box, allowing you to type and save any information. There is the ability however to convert these fields into combo boxes with set options to pick from.

Importing any values will automatically convert a text style Free Text Field into a combo box style field.

To import new combo box values for any of the Free Text Fields, navigate to the Company Tab > Company Options screen and locate the import tool just below the Free Text Field renaming tool.

Select the Free Text Field you wish to import the new value to from the available list, and type in the new value in the text field. Once you are sure it is correct, click on the Import button.

Note: Please ensure the new value is spelled correctly before importing, as there is currently no ability to correct imported values through DataPay.
Once any values have been imported, they will then be available to select from the Employee More Details screen.

If there is an existing text style value in this field for an employees, this value will be retained however once one of the new combo box style values has been selected the original text value will be lost.

All imported values will be sorted in alphabetical order, which is adjusted each time a new value is imported. Values are also assigned a 3 digit ID number for easy identification. This number is not seen or used anywhere other than in the combo box as shown above.
