
Creating a New Leave Type - Take

Take leave types are used for leave categories which do not hold a balance e.g. LWOP or Bereavement Leave.

It is important to add it as shown below, as this will allow the new leave type to be available for reporting on and will be available for selection in Employee Self Service (ESS).

To begin adding a Take Leave Type, navigate to the Company tab > Leave Types > right-click > Add Leave Type.

You will then need to name your new Leave Type, and select a Leave Category. For this guide we are selecting “Take”.

After selecting the Leave Category, a “Take Leave” field will become available for use. Select an unused Generic Code with Taken e.g. Generic E (Take) Taken. Tick the Default radio button.

  • A Generic Code is not always required depending on the purpose of the leave. Scroll through the options and if you cannot find a name that suits your purpose then use a Generic Code.
  • The fields to the right of the Generic Code fields automatically populate when a Generic Code is selected. If the name which populates here does not match the name of your leave type, use a different Generic Code. You can modify the names of the components as you wish, however we suggest keeping to the same naming convention. Do not reorder the components.


After setting up your new Leave Type, you can edit the leave values.

Navigate to the Company tab > Components Setup and select the “Leave Taken” component of your newly created Leave Type from the Company Components list.

Edit any values as required in the Values screen to the right.
