
Setting up Annual Leave Loading

If all the employees in the company are entitled to leave loading, then set this up at the company level.

If only certain employees are entitled to leave loading, then apply it at lower level - for example, pay group level / employee group level / employee level.  

Setting up leave loading at Company Level:

Navigate to Company > Components Setup screen

Select components relevant to annual leave and enter the value for leave loading > Save.

Note – when you set the leave loading percentage on one component, it will automatically update all the other annual leave related components that can be taken / paid out. It is a good idea to still check the other components to make sure that all the data has come through accurately.

Annual leave components that should have leave loading applied:

  • Annual leave Cashout
  • Annual leave Payment
  • Annual leave Termination Payment
  • Any other annual leave payment components created specific for the organisation (i.e. Annual Leave Payment – alternative rate 1)

Employee’s Annual Leave Summary Screen

Once the leave loading percentage is entered against the leave payment component, it should be displayed under Leave Loading in the employee's annual leave type screen. 

Navigate to Employee > Leave Type > Annual leave
