Data Reconciliation Guide for STP 2
Review & Reconciling STP Employee File and reconcile to CSV Gross to net report
1. Gross values
Step 1: Create an Update Job in order to get final values at the end of the financial year for STP Employee Report.
Step 2: Run the standard 'Gross to Net' report by selecting the date range to run over the required periods of the financial year you are validating for. e.g. from 1st July to the current period. Select Direct Credit date and Merge Component versions
Merge Component version - If ticked it will ensure you will have one column with YTD values for any components which may have been updated for STP2 reporting.
Step 3: Reconcile the values in the STP report with those in the 'Gross to Net' report
Ensure that all components on the Gross to Net report can be reconciled with the reportable values on the STP Employee report.
Report | Add / Subtract | Pay Component Type |
STP Employee Report | + | Gross Payment Amount |
| + | Overtime Payment Amount |
| + | Gross Bonuses and Commissions Payment Amount |
| + | Gross Directors Fees |
| + | CDEP Payment Amount |
| + | Paid Leave Amount |
| + | Itemised Reportable Allowances (Those that are reported separately under the allowance section of the STP report) |
| + | Lump Sum Payment Amount |
| + | ETP Tax Free Payment Amount |
| + | ETP Taxable Payment Amount |
CSV Gross to Net Report | = | GROSS Earnings |
Dealing with variances between Gross to Net and STP EE report
If there are multiple lines for an employee in STP Employee Report ensure this has been aggregated by component type prior to reconciliation.
Gross to Net report only displays data processed in the Pay Group in which the report is ran. If employee has transferred to another Pay Group, users will need to run CSV Gross to Net Report for the other Pay Group as well and consolidate figures.
“Gross Earnings” in CSV Gross to Net Report includes Non-Taxable Earnings. If an employee has been paid a non-reportable “Non-Taxable” amount this should be excluded for this figure.
Any “non-taxable” deduction amount should be removed from “Gross Earnings” amount in the CSV Gross to Net Report.
Ensure CSV Gross to Net Report is run using Direct Credit not Pay Period. STP Employee Report generates YTD data which is paid within the Financial Year and if the Gross to Net is ran using Pay Period option then your files will not balance
Non-Taxable Deductions are Pre-Tax Deductions
2. Reconcile PAYG:
Report | Add / Subtract | Pay Component Type |
STP Employee Report | + | PAYG Withholding |
| + | Foreign PAYG Withholding |
| + | ETP PAYG Withholding |
| = | Total PAYG |
CSV Gross to Net Report | + | PAYG ($) |
| + | Additional Payment PAYG ($) |
| + | Employee Termination Payment PAYG ($) |
| + | Employee Additional PAYG ($) |
| = | Total PAYG |
3. Additional items to reconcile:
STP Employee Report | CSV Gross to Net Report |
Superannuation Contribution Amount | Superannuation Contribution Amount |
Fringe Benefits Reportable Amount | Fringe Benefits Reportable Amount |
Salary Sacrifice Payment Amount | Salary Sacrifice Payment Amount |
Reportable Deduction Amount | Child Support Garnishees, Child Support Deduction, Union/Professional Association Fee & Workplace Giving |
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