STP Finalisation Process


STP Finalisation Process

Once you have completed the final pay run for the year, updated all employee details including FBT if applicable, made all necessary corrections and reconciled the YTD data, you can then proceed to submit the final STP data to the ATO for the financial year.

This guide is to outline the steps required to submit STP data to the ATO as final for the financial year, the process will be similar to submitting an STP Update Job

Please Note: if you plan to submit any Fringe Benefit amounts via the DataPay application, this will need to be done prior submitting the Final STP Update Job. Please see this article before proceeding with the Final Update Job.

How to create a Final STP Job:

  1. Navigate to the STP screen from Tools Tab > STP

  2. Select the + button to create the Final Job

  • There are 3 different types of STP Update Jobs

    • Standard - submit updated YTD values for the employee's selected for the financial year selected

    • Mark As Final - submit final YTD values for the employee's selected for the financial year selected

    • Remove Finalisation - used when making corrections to employee(s) YTD data after it has been submitted as Final

3. Complete each field to set the parameters for the update job

Company - list of companies you have scope access to will populate. Select the company you would like to create the STP job for.
Pay Group - list of pay groups you have scope access to will populate for the company selected. You can select all pay groups, or specific pay group.
Year - the financial year you would like to generate update for. Note you can only send update for financial years that you lodged data via STP to ATO. As you can only amend previous five financial years, at maximum 5 financial years will be populated here.  
Update Date - Update date must fall within the financial year selected above. If previous financial year is selected, the date will default to 30th of June of that year. If current financial year is selected, date will default to the current calendar date. 
Employee(s) - option to select all employees or particular employees. List of employees loaded here will be dependent on what is selected under Pay Group. 

Preview Reports - This function is used to generate CSV STP employee and employer report offscreen. 

Create Update Report - This will generate STP job and a copy of the report will be sent via email or to SFTP location (based on the client setup).

4. The STP Final Update Job will then appear under the Action Required tab with the status of Pending Approval

5. The Pay Run Authoriser will need to review these 2 reports to confirm they are correct before proceeding to submit the data to the ATO

6. After reviewing the reports click on the icon on the left to view the STP Final Update Job

7. Tick the box as your declaration to authorise the STP data to be submitted to the ATO

8. Click the Submit to ATO button


Additional notes:

  • STP Update Job will then move to the In Progress tab whilst it is being processed by the ATO. This will generally takes couple of hours to be processed by the ATO, once it is done it will then move to the Completed tab.

  • The employee will then be able to view their Income Statement online via their personal MyGov ATO account.

  • Please note: Update jobs will be created by pay group. This means if all the employees selected are from the same pay group, then just one STP job will be created. If employees from multiple pay groups are selected and job is created for, then the system will create different STP jobs for all the applicable pay groups. 

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