Report Distributions
There are three commonly used distribution types; Authorisation Distribution, Final Distribution and One-off Distribution.
Unlike ‘Off the Screen’ reports, Authorisation, Final and One-Off distributions are processed on Datacom servers opposed to your local machine, allowing you to close DataPay or restart your computer without interrupting the report generation process.
Distributions with a large number of reports can take a long time to generate and be emailed out. However, if it has taken much longer than normal please contact the DataPay Support Team as your distribution may have failed to generate.
Authorisation Distribution
Authorisation report distributions enable a series of reports to be emailed to recipients who to review a Pay Run before it is finalised and banked. These are used for error checking and confirming payments while there is still time to make any required changes.
Reports which should be sent out with each Pay Run are able to be assigned to users via the Reporting tab, with options and filters saved for each recipient. When ready, an Authorisation distribution can be created from the Pay Run tab, either by selecting Seek Authorisation in the Distribute ribbon group, or right-clicking on the Pay Run to choosing Create Authorisation Distribution.
A list of recipients and reports will be generated from the setup on the Reporting tab and be populated in the next window. Review all the recipients in the list and the body text for the distribution email. Once complete, select OK to create the distribution. The report distribution will then be processed and emailed out to the recipients.
Final Distribution
Final Reports are sent when the pay run is finalised. These reports are kept in the payroll system within the Report Archive, but a record should always also be kept within your company for audit purposes. Finalising can be done from the Pay Run tab, either by selecting ‘Finalise Pay Run’ in the ribbon, or right-clicking and choosing Finalise Pay Run.
A list of recipients and reports will be generated from the setup on the Reporting tab and be populated in the next window. Review all the recipients in the list and the body text for the distribution email. Once complete, select OK to create the distribution. The report distribution will then be processed and emailed out to the recipients.
Finalising a pay run will also allow payslips to be generated and bank file creation. Note that if no reports are added to a Final distribution then no online/email payslips will be generated. These will not be able to be generated at a later date.
One-Off Distribution
If reports are needed to be sent on an adhoc basis to report users, a one-off distribution can be created. This will ensure that all payroll related information will be securely sent to recipients. In order to send a one-off report to a recipient, they will need to be added as a user to the report distribution list in the Reporting tab.
The One-Off distribution can be created from the Pay Run tab, either by selecting One Off Reports in the Distribute ribbon group, or right-clicking on the Pay Run and choosing Create One-Off Distribution.
One-Off Distributions cannot have pre-selected report lists like with Authorisation and Final distributions, so upon opening the next screen the list of reports will always be empty. Reports can be added to recipients by clicking on the Edit button. This brings up another screen where you can select all the reports required to be sent to the relevant users. For ease of selecting the correct report-recipient combination, the recipient can be filtered via the Destination combo-box at the top of the screen.
Checking Distribution
Checking Distributions are a completely optional miniature/pre Authorisation Distribution, however there are a few key differences as they were designed for quick general checks to a pay run before running the full Authorisation Distribution.
- The reports are generated on your physical machine opposed to Datacom servers, just like running reports from the Pay Run screen.
- Reports cannot be emailed or sent to our SFTP server - instead the combined PDF report will open to screen once complete.
- Only PDF reports can be included. CSV or .txt file reports will cause the distribution to fail
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