Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcuts

Generic Shortcuts:

Copy (Ctrl + C)
Paste (Ctrl + V)
Print Screen (Ctrl + Alt + Print Scrn)
Bold lettering (Ctrl + B)
Underline (Ctrl + U)
Save Changes (Ctrl + S)

DataPay Specific Shortcuts:

Show History (F2)

The F2 key will bring up the field history of whatever field is currently selected. For instance if an employee group is currently selected on the Employee Details page, it will bring up the relevant field history window.


Go To Pay Packet (Ctrl + P)

This can be used to navigate directly to any Pay Packet if the ID is known. An example of when this particular function would be used is if an Authorisation or Final report distribution has failed to send because changes have been made to an open Pay Run and the affected Pay Packets have not been merged. A warning dialogue box would appear in this case detailing which Pay Packet ID's that need to be merged. Entering the Pay Packet ID into the text field and pressing enter will take you directly to this pay packet.

Last Pay Run / Pay Group Latest Pay Run (Alt + Back Arrow).

This function will take your screen directly into the Pay Packet for the option selected

Company Search (Ctrl + O)

Use this quick key to go directly to the Company Search option to select other companies you have scope access to.

New Employee (Ctrl + N)

To open up a New Employee screen in which a new Employee can be created in your company.

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