
Understanding the Authorisation Process

There is a section in the Employer file which captures the information relating to who has accepted and approved the information from this Pay Run and authorised the submission of the PAYEVNT and PAYEVNTEMP files to the ATO.

The information captured here is dependent on the operating model of the company.

Where the employer is sending directly to the ATO (e.g. DataPay clients using EasiPay Australia with STP Role 'Business')

  • The user who finalises the Pay Run will be captured as the replort declarer for STP reports. This is generally one of the Payroll Administrators
  • Ensure that the user profile that finalises Pay Runs:
    • Authority to declare
    • A user profile set up with the persons first and last names
      Some companies may have a generic user profile set up which multiple people have access to and use to finalise Pay Runs. When using STP this is not possible, and every user who can finalise Pay Runs will need their own separate user account with first name, last name and email address entered.
    • Ensure the Role Pay Run Authoriser is assigned to the user's account
      • To assign this please go to Company Tab > Company Users > search for the user > right-click Edit User > Edit User Roles > Assign the Pay Run Authoriser Role > Ok

STP Reports Authoriser

Before any data is sent to the ATO for each Pay Run, it is highly recommended that the STP CSV Employee and Employer files are reviewed and accepted by an authorised person withing your company. This ensures you are sending validated and accurate data to the ATO with each lodgement.

For DataPay clients using EasiPay Australia (STP Role 'Business') Datacom suggests and notes the following:

  • Before finalising, run the CSV STP Employee and Employer files and check the data
  • It is recommended that the reports are sent to the appropriate personnel within your company to check before finalising the Pay Run.
  • There are no checks in place within the application to enforce clients to validate data before finalising a Pay Run - the responsibility is on you as the client to ensure the information sent to the ATO is correct
  • STP reports should not be filtered by costing or employees etc.
