
Displaying Additional Leave Types on Payslips

The balances of default leave types such as Personal, Rostered Days Off, Award Days Off, Lieu, Long Service or Annual Leave can easily be displayed on employee Pay Slips via the settings available in the Payslip Options component. Any company defined additional leave types however are not available here, and must be added manually. Unlike the default Leave Type balances which appear in the lower right hand corner, any additional Leave Types will show up in the main Payslip area.

The below example uses Long Service Leave, which in Australia is able to be added via Payslip Options, however the same steps can be applied for any company defined Leave Type.

To add additional Leave Type Balances to Pay Slips, Navigate to the Company tab > Components Setup and search for the Leave Type. Typically when created new Leave Types will have a Liability component. Right click on this Liability component and Rename it to Balance. Save the screen before progressing to the next step.

Once this is complete, right click on the new Balance component and select Reports.

In the Report Summarisation screen that opens, select Payslip from the Report combo box at the top.

Click on the Add Section button to open the New Sew Section screen. Click on Entitlement Balance to highlight it, and add it to the Format String via the Add button.
Type the text " Hours" (with the leading space but without quotes) into the Select Text field and add this to the Format String. Once this is complete click on OK to close the screen and add the first Section.

Select the Add Section button again to begin adding the second section.

Type   "-"   (without the quotes) in the Select Text field and add this to the Format String, then add Advance Leave Used immediately after this. Add the text " Hours" (with the leading space but without quotes) after this again then click on OK to finish adding the second Section.
Click the Add Section button again to add the third and final section. Type the text    {Section 1}{Section 2}     and add this to the Format String. Select OK to add this Section.

Tick the option to "Show Zero Amounts" as well as "Hide Sections with a Zero Value". If these are not enabled then the calculations will not work correctly and incorrect information may be displayed on employee Pay Slips.

To test the function to ensure it is displaying correctly you can run the Pay Slip Report from the Pay Run. The output should look similar to the below example. This employee has an Entitlement of 50 hours with a taken of 20, leaving a balance of 30.
