Editing Timesheet Columns
Timesheet templates can be changed to suit your needs whenever required. They will also need to be updated whenever a new component is created which also needs to be on a timesheet.
By default there are two Timesheet Templates available in every company. A Default template which is used whenever an Excel timesheet is generated, and an Online template which is what your employees will see if your company uses ESS / DA timesheets. Timesheets are configured on a per Pay Group basis, so the below change may need to be performed for each Pay Group if required.
To edit a Timesheet Template, navigate to the Pay Groups tab > Timesheet screen and select the desired Pay Group from the combo box. Select the Edit button on the Configure Timesheet Templates row.
Before making any changes in the Edit Timesheet Template screen, be sure to first select the correct Template from the top right corner. Additional templates can be created via the Add button on the Timesheet Options page if specific templates are needed.
The right hand side of the split are components currently assigned to the template, and the list of additional available components are on the left. Add or remove components from the timesheet template by using the arrow keys or double clicking on components. The display order can be adjusted by using the Move Up or Move Down buttons.
You will notice that many components have a Primary, Secondary and potentially Tertiary Timesheet Input. This relates to the input values for the component, and different types of components have a different number of these.
For example a simple allowance only has one input - the amount to pay - which is what the Primary Timesheet Input value will be. For a more complicated component such as a rate-able allowance or Overtime, there are two inputs - the individual dollar amount and the number to pay. These are the Primary and Secondary Timesheet Inputs. As a result, typically your timesheet will be made up of almost entirely Primary Timesheet Input components.
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