Effective Dates
DataPay is a date effective system and almost all fields have an associated date. These date changes are reflected on either the Updating Report or any Custom Audit Report which has been specifically created.
There are two types of effective dates in DataPay.
Screen Effective As At
All screens, except Leave related screens, reflect the start date of the current open pay run.
Leave screens (i.e Leave Summary, Leave History and Historic Leave Earnings) all display period end dates due to leave being accrued until the period end date.
Field Effective as At
All values stored in fields have a date associated with them and can be changed at any date (either future or retrospective), however the default within the screen will stem from the screen 'effective as at:' date.
If a field is changed with a future effective date, this will be indicated by a forward pointing arrow to the right of the field changed.
If a field has an effective date which is historic, this will be visible by selecting the field, right-clicking, and selecting 'Show History'. Alternatively, select the field and then F2 on your keyboard.
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