
Finalise Pay Run

Once the Pay Run has been checked and approved it is ready to be finalised.

In the Pay Run tab, click once on your open Pay Run to highlight it. Check the Period End and Direct Credit dates are correct then right-click and select 'Finalise Pay Run'.

In the box presented, check the reports and report destinations are correct. Reports can be removed if necessary by clicking on the report then clicking the 'Remove' button. This can be done in bulk by clicking on the first report then holding down your 'Shift' key and clicking on the last report. A message can be included for recipients in the bottom text box if required.

Note: If you use email / online payslips you must have at least one report in your Final Distribution in order for your payslips to be generated.

If reports need to be added, click 'Edit' and tick or un-tick reports as required. Click 'OK' to send report distributions and change pay run status to 'Finalised'.
