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More information on types of pay packets can be found in the Types of Pay Packets article. |
Depending on the situation, there are a few different ways to add pay packets. Each method allows for different types of pay packets to be added.
Adding a Pay Packet
The most commonly used method.
Only valid if the employee is employed in the pay period of the pay run.
Allows for the following types of pay packets:
Only one can be created at a time.
Used if the employee needs to have one or more pay periods paid in advance.
Allows for the following types of pay packets:
Many can be created at once.
Adding a Pay Packet for a Termination Employee
Required Used if the employee is not employed in the pay period for the pay run being used.
Allows for the following types of pay packets:
Only one can be created at a time.
Adding Reversal & Adjustment Pay Packets
Used if a correction is required to be done on a previously closed pay packet.
Allows for the following types of pay packets:
Multiple options available
Adding one rev/adj for one employee.
Adding rev/adj’s over many pay periods for one employee.
Adding rev/adj’s for many employees over one pay period.