After Onboarding initiation, the onboarding employee will receive a “Welcome to Direct Access” Email.
The email is based on the standard Direct Access welcome email, customised with onboarding-specific content.
Employee clicks on the link in the welcome email and completes account activation via the Direct Access password setup process.
After Account activation, the onboarding employee can log into Direct Access and start filling in their onboarding details.
When the onboarding employee logs into Direct Acess, the Onboarding landing page will show.
Employee’s first name, last name, and email address will be pre-populated.
After completing Personal Details, the employee can submit and continue with Emergency Contacts.
After Emergency Contacts details are submitted, the employee will be prompted to complete Bank Details.
After completing Bank Details, the employee can submit and continue with Tax Details.
After completing Tax Details, the employee can submit and continue with Super Selection.
The employee can now choose their own fund by selecting “Choose another fund”
If the employee chooses the “Default Fund” option, the company super fund will show.
a.) Before completing the onboarding process, the onboarding employee does not have access to other Direct Access pages.
b). The employee can choose to quit the session and continue with the process another time. All the details the employee has submitted will be prepopulated next time.
c). Field validations are available throughout the onboarding process, e.g. mobile number, bank account number. Field validations on the onboarding wizard are managed by Flare.