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Scopes in DataPay


E.g. any change made for an individual employee at Employee level will override any conditions that were made for the same thing in Employee Group, Pay Group, Company and Country scopes. If a change was then made at a higher scope than Employee level, it will not appear in that employees setup at Employee scope.
It may make more sense to think of each scope as a level.


1. Country
Everything at this level is hard coded and cannot be altered except by the development teams.

All tax and legislation changes are affected in this Scope as they relate to all companies.

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2. Company
Anything particular to your company is set up at this level and this sets your company-wide defaults.

This includes components and cost allocations.

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3. Employee Group
Pay Condition and Leave Employee Groups, Cost Allocations and Work Patterns are set up at this level.

Please note that all Employee Groups set up will be available to other Pay Groups within your company.

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4. Pay Group


You may have a number of different Pay Groups (frequencies),


where changes


effect one Pay Group and not another.

All those changes would be made at the Pay Group level or scope, using your selected Pay Group.


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5. Employee
Any changes or conditions specific to individual employees are set in this scope.

e.g. Home Costing, Bank Account /  TFN numbers, Employee Group Assignments, Specific Allowances and Deductions.

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6. Pay Packet
Details to be reflected solely in the current pay run would be entered at this level.

Pay Packet level scope is unique in that any changes made here will only override other scope levels for that specific Pay Packet.

When another Pay Packet is opened, or the existing Pay Packet is recreated these changes are not carried through.