Throughout the process of paying your employees there will invariably be times when your
employees have questions that you need to answer. Using our Employee Self Service tools will eliminate some of these questions as
both employees and managers have access to
certain employee information.
In this way, employees can find the information they need for themselves. Information such as predicted leave balances when leave is requested
or copies of payslips can be found in both Direct Access and our MyPay app.
For queries
directed to you
that you don't have the answer to, you can work through
them with your dedicated payroll consultant. The EasiPay Service does not include your payroll consultant dealing directly with your employees.
Client Responsibilities
Where there are queries you cannot answer yourself, you can discuss them with your payroll consultant to find
a solution that you can
pass onto your employee.
Please do not include the employee in
communications with your
payroll consultant, as we do not want them
communicating directly
with us.
Where an employee
contacts us directly, we would
refer them back to you
for privacy purposes.
Your payroll consultant will attend to any payroll queries in a timely manner.
They will only
discuss Payroll matters with
your authorised contacts
to ensure
we uphold our confidentiality and privacy obligations.