Employees can be setup to be paid automatically based on their standard hours or as a Timesheet employee. Timesheet employees will not be paid unless a timesheet is submitted.
Timesheets will provide the detail the time worked and may include ordinary hours, overtime hours, leave taken, days paid, allowances and on occasion one off deductions
Timesheets should be provided in an electronic format using one of the following options:
Time & Attendance
- Client has their own integrated time and attendance system to record all the worktime, leave time, etc.
- A file will be produced form the time and attendance system in the format required by datacom.
- The Client will forward the file to Datacom to be uploaded.
Online Timesheet
- Employees enter their hours onto Online Timesheet through Direct Access.
- Managers will approve the timesheet
- The Admin will send through data to Datacom once all managers have timesheets approved.
Excel Timesheet
- Clients fill out the detailed hours in the available template provided by Datacom.
- The Admin will submit the timesheet to Datacom for importing