Company settings required to activate onboarding with Requirements for setting up Flare HR
Australian Environments Only (Datacom Australia needs to request access)
Direct Access turned on
Employee maintenance module turned on
Configure onboarding options for the company
Default Super Fund
Login as a user with Onboarding Administrator role to Direct Access.
Navigate to Admin Direct Access → Company Options page.
Search for a super fund to be Company Default Super Fund.
Benefits Management
Search for a user to be Benefits Account Owner. The user needs to be an Onboarding Administrator in order to be selected as a Benefits Account Owner.
Click on Save to apply the changes.
If the company does not have Benefits module turned on, Benefits Account Owner field will not show on Company Options page.
There is one Company Default Super Fund
How can I enable Flare HR in Direct Access?
Contact our support team who will be able to assist with turning Flare HR in DA
Onboarding Initiation
Login as an Onboarding Administrator to Direct Access
Go to Admin Direct Access → Employee Maintenance → Onboarding
Click on “+” to kick off the onbording process for an employee
Enter onboarding employee’s first name, last name, email, Username and start date
A success message will show up once the onboarding employee is created successfully
(a). The onboarding employee will be added to the list on the Onboarding page with status showing as “Pending” (b). Activation email can be resent from this page if required (c).
The created onboarding employee user will NOT be visible in the DataPay Application as the user is not linked to an employee.