Grouping Report Results
Report results can be grouped to separate the data as required. This is commonly done with costing information, so will be used in our example below.
Aggregate Functions (Total, Average, First, Last etc) can now be added to this Group By row. The grey cells at the bottom of the report below all Group By rows are the Aggregate Functions for the entire report.
With the Design View open, select the costing entity you wish to group by, and drag it over into the report as you would to add a new column. Instead of looking for the vertical blue line used when adding a column, the Group By function is added as a row and needs a horizontal red line. This can be achieved by hovering the mouse underneath the left hand side of the list of current columns.
For costing, both Pay Run or Home can be used, and any of the existing levels within your Cost Structure (Company, Division, Department, etc)
By default, the report will be grouped alphanumerically from the lowest to highest number or letter.
E.g. if the Total function is added both in the Group By row for Department and in the bottom grey cell, then the report will display a total in that column for each individual Department, and a grand total for the report as a whole.
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