Receives E-Files / Payday Filing


Receives E-Files / Payday Filing

This option which can be found against user accounts in Company > Company Users, and sends the user all four Payday Files the IRD requires each time a pay run is finalised as long as the EFile Option found on the Company Details screen is set to either Self File or Auto File + Email.


  • Multiple people within each company can be selected to receive E-Files / Payday Files
  • Payday File distributions are now archived against each pay run beside your Authorisation and Final distributions as long as the EFile Option found on the Company Details screen is set to either Self File or Auto File + Email.
  • User accounts with scope access to multiple companies will receive files for each company - not just their 'home' company.
  • Files are sent encrypted in a zip folder, password protected with the user account password. This is the same process as all other distributions.
  • If you are a Self File client, please do not select the option 'Is PAYEI Contact' as this may prevent you from receiving your Payday Files. Auto File clients should only have this option ticked if they are also PAYE Intermediary clients.

Self File Clients

As a Self File client you will receive the EI file each time you finalise a pay run. The ED, EIA and KED files may also be present for some pay runs as required. These files must be uploaded to the IRD within two working days.

Auto File + Email Clients

As an Auto File client, Datacom files the below files for you each time you finalise a pay run, however you will still be sent a copy for your records. The KED file is not required for Auto File companies, as this information is able to be included in the ED file.


It is important to read the Payday File distribution emails each pay run, as it also contains advice on any Reversal & Adjustment pay packets linked to a pay run which was finalised before your company went live on payday filing. This adjustment information is not able to be included in the EIA file, and you will need to complete a manual amendment with the IRD yourself.

Payday File Types

Employee Details   (ED)

This file contains details for new and departing employees only. New employees are included in the file when they are first paid in a pay run, not when they are loaded into DataPay. The field 'Address Line 1' is now a compulsory field in DataPay as the IRD require this information in the ED file. If a date of birth is entered into DataPay then it will also be included in the file, however this field is currently optional.

Employee Information   (EI)

Pay packet / payment details for employees being paid in the pay run.

Employee Information Amendment   (EIA)

A file is created for each amendment and contains what was originally filed versus what should have been filed. These are produced when reversing and adjusting pay packets that have been pay day filed where the original packet is an over-payment, or where the resulting adjustment results in no change to gross taxable payments but a change in a tax component occurs (eg PAYE, SL, CS, KS, ESCT), an EIA gets generated and will be filed automatically.

KiwiSaver Employee Details   (KED)

This file lists all new employees who were automatically enrolled in KiwiSaver, any existing employees who decided to opt in to KiwiSaver, or those who have opted out of KiwiSaver (within the opting out timeframe) during the pay day period.

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