
Adding Reversal & Adjustment Pay Packets

If an employee is not available to add a pay packet to, they will be terminated so a pay packet for the employee will need to be added before you can add a rev/adj. The temporarily added pay packet can be deleted once the rev/adj has been added.

Steps on how to add a pay packet for a termination employee can be found in the Adding a Pay Packet for a Terminated Employee article.

Steps on how to open a pay run can be found in the Open a Pay Run article.

Adding rev/adj for one employee over one pay period

  1. Find the employee.

  2. Right click the line.

  3. Select Reverse and Adjust Pay Packet.

When tax is calculated, earnings from all pay packets assigned to the same pay period are included. Tax is recalculated considering all the earnings with the amount not yet withheld processed in the new pay packet.

Only one can be selected. The bulk rev/adj method needs to be used if multiple pay periods are to be created at once otherwise this method can be used to create as many as required.

  1. Left click the pay period to be adjusted.

  2. Select Ok.

Adding rev/adj’s for one employee over many pay periods

  1. Right click any line.

  2. Select Bulk Reverse and Adjust Pay Packets.

  1. Select Reverse Pay Packet for this employee only.

  2. Left click Next.

Adding rev/adj’s for many employees over one pay period

